The affiliated Societies shall send each year to the Secretary of the EFC the names and the addresses of the members of their Society. A European catalogue of colposcopists should be prepared and circulated. This will not be made available to outside bodies without approval of the Executive Committee.
Each affiliated society should pay a contribution (see Article 7) as fixed by the Executive Committee. The dues would normally be paid in EUROS not later than December 31st of the current year.
The Congress should contribute to define good standards of colposcopy, to teach colposcopy, to promote continuing medical education and research in the field. Pre or post-congress courses may also be organised by the Congress Organizing Committee, but will need to acquire approval from the Executive Committee.
The EFC will be happy to organise a pre-congress EFC Training Course and will be responsible for the financial arrangements. The full amount of any profit from an EFC Training Course will be paid to the EFC. The programme for the Congress should be approved by the Executive Committee, final draft being seen at least one year before the Congress is due to take place. Upon approval of the Executive Committee, other national or international associations may be offered a session or a symposium if the EFC is approached. This practice should not interfere with the co-programme of the EFC. The Congress Organizing Committee should be composed of members of EFC, members of the Hosting Society and representatives from the Core PCO. The Core PCO will work with, advise and report regularly, to the Congress Organizing Committee. The Core PCO will be responsible for the management of the finances, advice regarding procurement of lecture halls, interpreters’ arrangements, social events and Sponsored Symposia. The Congress Organizing Committee will be responsible for fundraising and scientific programme. Distinguished invited speakers who would not normally attend the Congress (principally non-clinical scientists) should have their reasonable expenses paid. In the event of a profit accruing from the Congress 40% will go to EFC, 40% will go to Hosting Society and 20% to the Core PCO. This source of funding for the EFC is important in achieving stability and financial means of conducting its work. The EFC will not be responsible for financial losses by Congress, the Core PCO in the event of low income foreseen will propose adjustments to Congress Budget and/or suggest to delete services. A business plan should be submitted by the Core PCO to the Congress Organising Committee outlining financial arrangements for the forthcoming Congress.
The ‘Executive Board’ of the EFC is the General Assembly. All decisions concerning the policy and the activities of the EFC for the incoming three years will be taken at the Assembly during the European Congress. The President and the Secretary will be in permanent liaison with national societies for routine decisions, with the organisers of the Congress and with the Chairman of the Scientific Committee for all matters concerning the incoming Congress and with the Treasurer for all financial questions. Shall the President have to take an important decision far from the next General Assembly, he will consult the National Societies and ask for written opinion or approval of his proposal. The same majority as for the General Assembly will be demanded for taking a decision.
The Executive Committee may appoint sub-committees for the development of relevant issues relating to research, education and training in the field of uterine cervical pathology. These sub-committees may be convened for a single purpose and then dissolved or may be standing sub-committees in which case consideration will need to be given to rotating the Chair and membership, and members will be appointed by the Executive Committee.

Hur använder män Cialis? Cialis kan användas för att behandla många vanliga sexuella problem hos män. ED är ett av dem. ED är inte vanligt hos alla män, så din läkare kanske inte är medveten om eventuella biverkningar. Din läkare kommer att kunna ge dig mer råd om det bästa tillvägagångssättet för att behandla din sexuella dysfunktion.

Vilka är de möjliga biverkningarna av Cialis länkad hit? Vissa män kan uppleva milda magkramper när de tar Cialis. Detta är ganska vanligt. Biverkningarna av Cialis bör gå över. De allvarliga biverkningarna av Cialis är allvarliga allergiska reaktioner. Din läkare kommer inte att rekommendera detta läkemedel till någon med allergier.

Hur tas Cialis? De flesta män tar Cialis genom munnen. Denna medicinering finns också tillgänglig som en kräm. Krämtillämpningar är mycket lättare att använda, och män kan också tycka att de är mer attraktiva för kvinnor. Det finns inga rapporterade allvarliga biverkningar av Cialisanvändning, men män bör använda Cialis med försiktighet.

Cialis är ett välkänt märkesnamn som är ett receptbelagt receptbelagt läkemedel för män. Det är FDA-godkänt för behandling av följande hos män: erektil dysfunktion, ett medicinskt tillstånd där du inte kan få eller behålla en erektion tillräckligt länge för att njuta av samlag. Ytterligare symtom på BPH, en prostatasjukdom som kan orsaka urineringssvårigheter vid urinering. Cialis kan också användas för att behandla för tidig utlösning och låg spermieantal hos män.