The Scientific Committee invites colposcopists, gynecologists and researchers to actively participate in this congress which will be a very significant occasion for the exchange of thoughts and experiences. We look forward to receiving Absctracts online for consideration and inclusion in the scientific program as poster or oral communication.
The final decision of the Scientific Committee will be announced by mid-May;
The final decision of the Scientific Committee will be announced by mid-May;
Please read carefully the following instructions before proceeding the online submission
- Submission of an abstract implies the commitment that the presenting author registers for the EFC 2019 Congress and that financial resources to attend are available;
- Authors are requested to register within 10 days after having received their provisional notification of acceptance. Abstracts of authors not registered by July 15, 2019 will not be taken into consideration for the final program;
- Abstract should be submitted through the online submission system;
- Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English;
- The main author and the presenter must be identified (by ticking the corresponding boxes);
- Only one abstract is allowed per presenter duly registered for the congress;
- If the abstract presenter is registered with a group, please inform the Congress Secretariat at: efc2019@thetriumph.com and indicate the person/company who made the group registration;
- Original scientific material is welcome and preference is given to recent findings not yet published at the date of the Congress;
- Abstracts will be peer reviewed and evaluated by experts in one of the categories (topics) listed. They will be allocated for oral or poster presentation. Authors are requested to indicate their preference when submitting. However, please note, that the Scientific Committee will make the final decision for the mode of presentation;
- The final decision of the Scientific Committee will be announced by mid-June;
- All accepted abstract submitters will receive confirmation by email. Please do not forget to indicate your correct email address and telephone number when submitting your abstract, as well as the email addresses of the main author and the presenter (the author who will present the paper at the conference). The main author and the presenter can be the same person. They may also be identical to or different from the submitter);
- Should it be realized, authors agree that their abstract will be published in the congress abstract book (pdf document, downloadable or printed). Please note, it would be published exactly as they have been provided and without any kind of editing;
- Start Submission: 14 November 2018
- Submission Deadline: 28 April 2019
- Selection results: by mid – June
- For further information and assistance please contact the Scientific Secretariat at efc2019@thetriumph.com .
All the Abstracts should be submitted according to the following editing instructions.
- Maximum length (body of abstract): 300 words.
- Abstract must be uploaded in Word A4 format (.doc; .docx) and must be one file only. The maximum size of the file is 1MB. All authors are invited to download the Abstract Template and edit it according to the general setting of the document. Please do not include any other information within the body of the abstract, such as the title or name of the authors, since these will be required by the system in other specific fields.
- The title should be written in UPPER CASE (capitals). Please keep it as short as possible, clearly indicating the nature of the investigation, and please minimize the use of abbreviations;
- Please avoid complex mathematical formulae;
- Check spelling and grammar carefully. Direct reproduction from your electronically submitted abstract text means that any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific data will be reproduced as submitted.
- The document can contain a maximum of 2 images in black and white, min. 300 dpi (resolution suitable for printing, if any) and base 8 cm.
- Abstracts should be structured in at least three sections, clearly mentioned as such: Background/Objectives – Methods – Results (optional) – Conclusions;
- All authors (main author and co-authors) should be listed with their last names (family names) and their first name(s). The published version will only mention the initial(s) of the first name(s). One author must be identified as the presenter; the presenter commits to registering as a delegate to attend the congress and present the abstract;
- Please indicate professional addresses of all authors: name of hospital, unit or laboratory, city and country. No other indications are to be given. Different affiliations will be automatically numbered;
- Do not indent spaces on the first line of each paragraph. No space should be inserted between paragraphs. Use international standards for scientific articles;
- Only standard abbreviations may be used without definition. Data must be given in units widely used in literature;
- Drugs must be identified by their generic names;
- Submitted abstracts can be re-edited and modified until the submission deadline (30 November 2019). Submitted abstract cannot be edited after the submission deadline.
- Authors who wish to withdraw their abstract must send a written request to: efc2019@thetriumph.com.
- If you don’t receive a mail with the confirmation of the successfull upload of your abstract within few days from the online submission please contact the Secretariat at efc2019@thetriumph.com.
For review purposes, abstracts are classified according to the following list. Please select only 1 topic:
For review purposes, abstracts are classified according to the following list. Please select only 1 topic:
- Impact of HPV vaccination on colposcopy
- Impact of HPV primary screening on colposcopy
- Selection / triage strategies for referral to colposcopy and treatment
- Colposcopic Adjunctive technologies
- Treatment and follow up of CIN
- Colposcopic management in pregnancy
- Colposcopy management of Immunocompromised women
- Management of Management of early stage cervical cancer
- Psychological impact, support and information needs of women in the cervical screening programme
- Quality Assurance and Audit
- Vaginal microbiome and innate immunity
- Treatment and follow up of vaginal, vulval and perianal precancer
- Vulvodynia
- Molecular markers
- Improving education and training in colposcopy
- Health economics in cervical screening